8MS User Guide
ROC Administration

In order to use 8MS to send, view and manage ROC Authorization Requests you must have a valid SMS/800 ROC login and password associated with each Entity for which you will use the ROC feature. The ROC User Administration screen provides the ability to set up this login and password within 8MS.

In the menu frame, select the ROC Admin link located in the System Admin section of the menu. The following will appear in the workspace frame:

To provision your company, you must have a valid Somos login with ROC permissions. If you already have a login on Somos, you may use that one. However, it is strongly recommended that you create a new login that is dedicated to use within 8MS.

Somos uses password aging when you log onto their system. Should you choose to use the same Somos login for both 8MS ROC transactions and for logging onto Somos, at some point, you will log onto the Somos web site and be forced to change your password. When this happens, you will also need to update that password on 8MS or ROC requests from 8MS will fail. If you have separate logins for your Somos work and for ROC, you will never have to deal with password aging, since Somos does not enforce password aging from API users.

If this is the first time a user in your company is setting up their ROC login, there will be one row for each SMS/800 Entity in your 8MS Company, but the Api User ID field for each row will be empty. Enter the API User ID and Password for the appropriate Entity. More than one Entity may be updated in a single request. When done entering API User IDs/Passwords, select the Update button.

The login and password to be entered here must have been provisioned at SMS/800 and that user must have the ROC Admin checkbox checked. If you have not obtained a valid SMS/800 login yet or you have not been granted ROC Admin permission, either see your company's SMS/800 security officer or contact the SMS/800 helpdesk.

If this is not the first time you are setting up your ROC login, the API User ID field will be populated with the current value. While the Password field will appear empty, there is a password saved in the 8MS system but it is not shown on the screen.

Verifying Credentials

To verify that your Somos ROC login and password are correct, save the values as described above. After performing the save, you may test the login/password pair for a single Entity, by clicking on the Verify Saved Credentials button for a specific Entity. If the login/password pair are valid and are configured for ROC at Somos, you will see a message like the following.

If the login/password pair are not valid or if the specified login is not configured for ROC at Somos, you will see a message like the following.

It is also possible to test the login/password pair for all listed Entities, by clicking on the Verify All Saved Credentials button at the bottom of the screen. You will see a message for each Entity like the following.

ROC Administration for EDR Companies
In the event that you are managing ROC for an EDR company, this screen will have a slightly different appearance, as shown below.
The difference between a normal 8MS company and an 8MS EDR company, in respect to ROC, is that EDR companies may inherit their ROC login/password from their parent company. To indicate this, one of three possible messages are shown to the right of the Verify Saved Credentials button. Possible values are
  1. Using Parent Credentials - this company is using the ROC login/password of their parent company for this Entity.
  2. Using Own Credentials - this company has it's own ROC login/password for this Entity.
  3. No Credentials Provisioned - no ROC login/password have been created for this Entity for either this company or its parent company.

If your company is using their own credentials, a Delete Cred button will appear to the immediate right of the Verify Saved Credentials button, as shown below.

Clicking this button will delete your credential. If your parent has a credential for this entity, you will revert to Using Parent Credentials, otherwise you will revert to No Credentials Provisioned. The Delete Cred button will only be available if you have your own credentials, so you may not delete your parent's credentials.