8MS User Guide

This section of the user guide defines terms and values necessary to understand 8MS, the 8MS user interface and the SMS/800 Toll-Free service.

Select a letter to quickly jump to terms beginning with that letter.

8MS is a system that interfaces with
  • SMS/800 to reserve toll-free numbers and provision routing to deliver calls to one or more carriers
  • Carrier Express to provision routing on carriers to deliver calls to the final destination(s) within that carrier
8MS Company
A company that has access to the 8MS system. An 8MS Company has one or more SMS/800 RespOrgs. This company has signed agreements with both CSF Corporation and SMS/800 that grant 8MS access to the RespOrg toll-free number data.
8MS Routing Set
An 8MS Routing Set is a collection of CAD, LAD, and CPR data associated with a single Toll-Free Number Record.

8MS Routing Sets are automatically created. When a new Toll-Free Number CAD Record is created, 8MS analyzes on the record. If an 8MS Routing Set already exists that matches this Record, then the Toll-Free Number Record is associated with the existing 8MS Routing Set. If an 8MS Routing Set is not found that matches this Record, then a new 8MS Routing Set is created and this Record is associated with that new 8MS Routing Set. Thus, 8MS Routing Sets are not explicitly created in 8MS; they are created by activating a record in SMS/800.

When an 8MS Routing Set is created, it is given a system-defined name consisting of a vertical bar (|) symbol followed by a series of digits, for example |000058362. 8MS Routing Set names can be changed using the 8MS Routing Set Mgmt screen, allowing users to give their 8MS Routing Sets more meaningful names.

An 8MS Routing Set can be used as the Source or Destination of a Copy Record or other Batch operation. The routing associated with the selected 8MS Routing Set is copied to the destination number or numbers. An 8MS Routing Set can also be used for populating the Record Management: SMS CAD, Record Management: SMS PAD, or SMS Template Management screens when creating a new Record.

8MS Routing Sets also provide a user-friendly way to identify how a set of Toll-Free Numbers are routing, using the Search Local Records screen.

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8MS User
A user that has access to the 8MS system. 8MS Users always belong to an 8MS Company.
The state of a Record that has been loaded on one or more SCP's (i.e., processing calls).
An API (Application Programmer Interface) is a library of code that allows programmers to interface with a computer system without needing knowledge of the internals of that system.
See Also
See Service Area. Also known as an Area of Service.
Area Of Service
See Service Area. Also known as an AOS.
The state of a newly Reserved number that has a Pending record but is not yet active in any SCP (i.e., calls are not yet being processed).
A Batch is an operation performed on a set of Toll-Free Numbers rather than a single number. Batch operations are scheduled and normally run sequentially. Batch progress can be monitored in the Batch Log. Results of batch operations are viewed in the Activity Log.

The set of numbers targeted for a Batch operation is known as the Destination.

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BR Template
SMS Templates are owned by an Entity and cannot be shared across Entities. If a toll-free number is routed on an SMS Template, when control of that number is transfered to a Resp Org outside that Entity, Somos copies the SMS Template and renames it with the string "BR" immediately following the Entity in the SMS Template name (i.e. *AR-GAF becomes *ARBR-GAF).

Each Entity has a limited number of SMS Templates they may create. BR Templates are not counted as part of that number.

A Branch is one possible outcome of a Node in a CPR. The contents of a Branch may be one or more values or it may be a Label.
A CAD (Customer Administrative Data) record is a Toll-Free Number record that contains both routing and administrative data. CAD records are scheduled to go active on a specified date and time. A CAD record remains in effect until another CAD record replaces it or the Toll-Free Number enters the Disconnected state.
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Carrier Express
Carrier Express is a system that interfaces with carriers and uses each carrier's API to activate and disconnect toll-free numbers, allowing 8MS to load data onto the global telephony network and the individual carriers' networks.
Closed ROC Authorization Request
A Closed ROC Authorization Request is one in which all toll-free numbers have been processed; that is, there are no numbers that have not been approved or denied.
Controlling Resp Org
In a ROC request, the Controlling Resp Org is the Resp Org that currently controls a toll-free number. A Requesting Resp Org asks the Controlling Resp Org to perform a Change Resp Org, granting the Requesting Resp Org control of the number.
A CPR (Call Processing Record) contains a set of advanced routing features that define how to route a call to one or more carriers.

On 8MS, a CPR is associated with a CAD on the Record Management: SMS CAD screen. Alternate names for a CPR are Routing Plan and Complex Record.

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Customer of Record
A Customer of Record is the end user of a toll-free number. It is the company or person that actually receives calls on that toll-free number. The Customer of Record is the only entity that has the right to request that a number be ported from one Resp Org to another.
See Also
Destination Number or Destination Numbers, is a set of Toll-Free Numbers used as the target of a Batch operation. A Destination is selected from any of the following:
A Record in the Pending state that will take a number out of service. A Disconnect record causes a number to enter the Disconnected state.
A Toll-Free Number state indicating that the number is owned by a Resp Org but is not processing calls. Upon entering the Disconnected state, a number is on Intercept and remains so until the the number's End Intercept Date is reached. A number enters the Disconnected state when a Disconnect record goes active.
Dynamic List of Numbers
A Dynamic List of Numbers is a set of numbers not associated with a Number List. Instead, this set of numbers is created on-the-fly, by either typing or pasting numbers into a Numbers text area on any screen.
Effective Date/Time
An Effective Date/Time is the date and time when a a Toll-Free Number or SMS Template Record will go from the Pending state to the Active state.
End Intercept Date
The date when a Toll-Free Number is moved from the Disconnected state to the Transitional state.
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An SMS/800 Entity is a unique organization within the SMS/800 system. It is defined by a distinct two character string and contains one or more Resp Orgs under that Entity. All Resp Orgs within an Entity will begin with the same distinc ttwo character string.
The state of a Record that has not been activated.
The state of a Record that was in the Pending state but has been marked by the RespOrg so that it will not go active when it reaches its Effective Date/Time. Only Toll-Free Number Records may be put into the Hold state; SMS Templates may not be put on Hold.
Incoming ROC Authorization Request
An Incoming ROC Authorization Request is one sent from another Resp Org to your Resp Org, asking you to port a number to the requesting Resp Org. An incoming ROC authorization request may be modified in one of the following ways:

  • approve one or more toll-free numbers in the request, which port the toll-free number(s) to the requesting Resp Org
  • deny one or more toll-free numbers in the request, which prevents the port of those numbers
The state of a Record that has failed validation on SMS/800.
When a number enters the Disconnected state, it is no long routing calls. When the number is dialed, an Intercept announcement is played that informs the caller that the call cannot be completed as dialed. A number stays on Intercept until the number enters the Transitional state.
A Label is a set of Branch values in a CPR with a Node type and a name associated with it. A collection of Labels associated with a single Toll-Free Number Record is called a LAD.

A Branch has a limited length, allowing only a few values to be stored directly on a branch. When the contents of a Branch will exceed the maximum length of the Branch, the Branch contents are stored in a Label and the Label name is shown on the Branch.

A LAD (Label Administrative Data) record is a collection of Labels associated with a particular Toll-Free Number Record. The set of Labels in a LAD are used by a CPR.
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LOA is an acronym for Letter of Authorization. An LOA is a document that shows you have the right to ask a toll-free number controlling Resp Org to port that number to your Resp Org. An LOA is meant as proof that the Customer of Record has requested this port.
LOA is also interpreted to mean Letter of Agency.
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Local Data
Local Data is SMS/800 data that is stored on 8MS. This Local Data is kept up-to-date via Unsolicited Messages from SMS/800.
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MGI (Mechanized Generic Interface) is a programming API that interfaces with SMS/800 for provisioning toll-free service. The MGI is one of the APIs that 8MS uses to communicate with SMS/800.

Beginning with 8MS 17.1, 8MS is capable of using either the Registry API or the MGI.

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MMS Message
MMS, an acronym for Multimedia Message Service, is the term used for a text message which may contain images or videos along with text.
See Also
Must Check
The state of a Record for a number that has had another Pending record with an earlier Date/Time inserted, modified or deleted. A Must Check record must be re-validated prior to reaching its Effective Date/Time or it will become a Failed record.
Number List
A Number List is a set of Numbers with a name associated with it. While there does not need to be any relationship between the numbers, typically number lists are created to manipulate the set of numbers in some common way. Each Number List has an expiration date associated with it; when that date is reached, the Number List is deleted. If the expiration date is not set, a Number List will never be deleted.

A Number List can be used as the Destination of a Copy Record or other Batch operation.

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A Node is a decision point in a CPR. Most Nodes have one or more Branches coming out of them. Other Nodes, known as final-handling Nodes, do not allow Branches and signify an end-point in a call.
Number Status
Every Toll-Free Number has a Number Status that indicates the current state of a number. Number Status values include:
NPA Overlay/Split
Consumption of NPA/NXXs has grown since the early 1990s, especially due to the rapid growth of cellular service. As a result, there is a constant need for new NXXs within an NPA area. This cannot be done since NXXs are 3 digit numbers and limited to the range 201-999. Instead, new NPAs are introduced into an NPA area. This is done via either an NPA Split or an NPA Overlay.
An NPA Split divides an NPA into two or more regions, one of which retains the existing NPA code and the other area(s) receiving a new code. This results in NXXs being moved from one NPA to another, forcing telephone customers to deal with having a new phone number.
An NPA Overlay assigns multiple codes to the same geographical area, eliminating the need for renumbering of existing services.
The state of a Record that was previously in the Active or Sending state. A record is generally moved into the Old state because it was replaced by another Active or Sending record.
Open ROC Authorization Request
An Open ROC Authorization Request is one that has toll-free numbers which have not been processed; that is, numbers that have not been approved or denied.
Outgoing ROC Authorization Request
An Outgoing ROC Authorization Request is one sent by your Resp Org to the controlling Resp Org, asking that Resp Org to port a number to your Resp Org. An outgoing ROC authorization request may be modified in one of the following ways:

  • remove one or more numbers from the request
  • add additional documents to the request
  • completely cancel the request
A PAD (Pointer Administrative Data) record is a Toll-Free Number record that contains a subset of CAD administrative data plus a Pointer to a TAD record.
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The state of a Record that has passed validation and is scheduled to go Active at some point in the future.
A Pointer is a Toll-Free Number PAD record that references a TAD record (also known as an SMS Template) to specify how to route calls for this Toll-Free Number.
A Record is the set of routing and administrative data associated with either a Toll-Free Number or an SMS Template.

A Toll-Free Number Record may be

  • a CAD record, possibly with associated LAD and CPR data
  • a PAD record with an associated TAD record.

An SMS Template Record is a TAD record.

Every Record has a specific Effective Date/Time that indicates when this Record will go Active.

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Record Status
Every Toll-Free Number and SMS Template has one or more CAD or PAD and TAD records. Each record has a Record Status that indicates the current state of the record. Possible Record Status values include:

All records have an associated date/time. For records stored at Somos, the minutes portion of this date/time must be on the quarter hour (:00, :15, :30, :45). Rejected records are only stored on 8MS and may have a time other than quarter hour. This time indicates when the record was sent to Somos.

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Registry API
The Registry API is a programming API that interfaces with SMS/800 for provisioning toll-free service. The Registry API is one of the APIs that 8MS uses to communicate with SMS/800.

Beginning with 8MS 17.1, 8MS is capable of using either the Registry API or the MGI.

See Also
Requesting Resp Org
In a ROC request, the Requesting Resp Org is seeking to gain control of a toll-free number. The Requesting Resp Org asks the Controlling Resp Org to perform a Change Resp Org, granting the Requesting Resp Org control of the number.
An 8MS-only Record status indicating that a record was rejected by SMS/800. All records have an associated date/time. For records stored at Somos, the minutes portion of this date/time must be on the quarter hour (:00, :15, :30, :45). Since Rejected records are only stored on 8MS, they may have a time other than quarter hour. This time indicates when the record was sent to Somos. All other records must have a time on the quarter hour.
See Also
A Toll-Free Number state indicating the number is being held for future use for a Resp Org.
Resp Org
A Resp Org (Responsible Organization) is an entity responsible for managing Toll-Free Numbers within a company. Each Resp Org is allowed to reserve, spare, give away or route Toll-Free Numbers.
ROC Authorization Request
A ROC (Resp Org Change) authorization request asks the Controlling Resp Org of a toll-free number to port that number to a Requesting Resp Org, giving that requesting Resp Org control of that number. A single request may contain one or more toll-free numbers. Numbers do not need to be under the same controlling Resp Org. In the event that a ROC authorization request is sent to multiple controlling Resp Orgs, when a controlling Resp Org views the request, it may only see the numbers that are controlled by it.
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Response Frame
The Response Frame is the bottom portion of each user interface screen that sends a request to SMS/800 or Carrier Express. Single Toll-Free Number request results are shown in the Response Frame; Batch results are shown in the Activity Log.
ROC is an an acronym for Resp Org Change. The ROC service provides the ability to manage ROC Authorization Requests.
See Also
ROC Management
ROC Management refers to the ability to modify a ROC Authorization Request. ROC authorization requests are split into two types: Incoming and Outgoing.
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The state of a Record that is stored on SMS/800, but has not been completely validated. 8MS cannot retrieve Saved records because the SMS/800's MGI does not support it.
An SCP (Service Control Point) is a point on the telephony network (i.e., a computer) that tells the network what carrier is handling traffic for this Toll-Free Number. When a Toll-Free Number record is ready to activated it is loaded onto one or more SCPs through SMS/800.
The state of a Record that has been loaded on at least one SCP but has not been loaded on all SCPs.
Service Area
Service Area defines the region(s) from which a toll-free number will receive calls. A Service Area may be defined in terms of Network, State, LATA or Area Code.

Also known as an Area of Service or AOS.

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Shortcuts are hyperlinks within the 8MS user interface that allow you to execute a particular action found on another screen without having to go to the screen that contains that action. See the Shortcuts section of the user guide for details.
SMPP, the Short Message Peer-to-Peer is a protocol used by the telecommunications industry for delivery of SMS Messages.
SMS Message
SMS, an acronym for Short Message Service, is the term used for a text message which contains only text and no images or videos.
See Also
SMS/800 is the system responsible for managing Toll-Free Numbers across the 8yy/Toll-Free industry. Its primary responsibility is to assign Toll-Free Numbers and route the numbers to one or more carriers. Each company that interacts with SMS/800 is given one or more Resp Orgs. When a record is ready to be activated, SMS/800 loads the record onto one or more SCPs.

SMS/800 can refer to either the legacy system or the new TFNR system.

SMS Template
An SMS Template is the routing data used by one or more Toll-Free Numbers.

Every Working Toll-Free Number has a set of routing data associated with the number. This set of data defines how calls are routed to a carrier for that number and what areas may dial the number. This routing data is typically bound to the specified number via the CAD, LAD and CPR.

As an alternative to binding the routing data to a number, an SMS Template (also known as a TAD record) may be defined which contains the routing data. When this is done, the SMS Template is pointed at by the number using a Pointer record (also known as a PAD record). Multiple numbers may point at a single SMS Template.

By allowing multiple numbers to reference one SMS Template, it is no longer necessary to update the routing data of of each individual number when changing the routing. Instead, the single SMS Template is modified. Since all these number reference the SMS Template, the routing is automatically updated.

An SMS Template can be used as the Source or Destination of a Copy Record or other Batch operation.

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A Source is a Toll-Free Number CAD or PAD record, or an SMS Template TAD record used
  • for populating a provisioning screen or
  • as the set of data to be copied to a set of Toll-Free Numbers.
A Toll-Free Number state indicating the number is available for any Resp Org to reserve.
A Toll-Free Number state indicating that the number was in the Disconnected state but now has a Pending record.
A TAD (Template Administrative Data) record is a Toll-Free Number record that contains routing and template administrative data. It is used in conjunction with a PAD record in place of a CAD record. See SMS Template for more details.
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TFNR (Toll-Free Number Registry) is the generic term used within 8MS to refer to the new SMS/800 TFN Registry. This system replaced the legacy SMS/800 system.
See Also
A Toll-Free Number state indicating that the number has reached it's End Intercept Date.
A Toll-Free Number status indicating that the number should not be put into the spare pool.

Every Resp Org is assigned 2 test numbers from each of the active 8YY NPA's for testing purposes; these numbers are given an Unavailable status to prevent another Resp Org from reserving them in the event that the owning Resp Org accidentally spares them.

An 8MS-only Toll-Free Number status indicating that a number is not on the 8MS platform.

This status is used when a user searches on the Search Local Numbers screen using a Number List. Any numbers shown in the results with a status of Unknown are not on the 8MS platform.

Unsolicited Messages
8MS communicates with SMS/800 via messages sent over the MGI. Most messages sent from SMS/800 are in response to requests sent from 8MS. However, there is a set of messages that can be sent to 8MS without 8MS first sending a request to SMS/800. These messages are known as Unsolicited Messages.

Unsolicited Messages are designed to keep 8MS data in sync with SMS/800. If a user performs an action on another 8MS platform (i.e., another MGI client) or on the SMS/800 user interface, SMS/800 will notify 8MS that this action was taken.

The most important unsolicited messages sent from SMS/800 are notifications of number reservations, scheduling of CAD, PAD and TAD records and Resp Org changes. When 8MS receives an Unsolicited Message from SMS/800 regarding one of these items, 8MS will then send retrieve requests to SMS/800 asking for the new data. In this way, 8MS keeps it's data in sync with SMS/800.

8MS customers always have the option to turn off one or more Unsolicited Messages by submitting a request to 8MS. This is most often requested when an 8MS customer wants to avoid exceeding their number limits by disabling RespOrg changes and number reservations. This prevents 8MS from ever downloading numbers from SMS/800 without explicit user requests to do so.

User Interface Colors
Portions of the 8MS user interface are customizable. In terms of color, the background of screens may be set, as well as foreground and background colors for some data items. Generally speaking, foreground color refers to the color of the text being displayed while background color refers to the color of the box surrounding the text.
User Interface colors are defined in terms of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) styles. Color values may be in one of the following formats:
  • keyword - one of 17 recognized keywords based primarily on the original Windows VGA colors. This includes the values aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.

    Modern browsers may support additional keyword colors.

  • #RRGGBB - a hex-pair notation of values representing the colors red, green and blue. Values are in hexadecimal notation in the range of 00-FF.
    • Pure red: #FF0000
    • Pure black: #000000
    • Pure white: #FFFFFF
  • #RGB - a shorter form of the six-digit notation described above, with each letter representing the colors red, green and blue. The single color value is replicated to become a six-digit value.
    • Pure red: #F00
    • Pure black: #000
    • Pure white: #FFF
  • rgb(rrr.rr%,ggg.gg%,bbb.bb%) - a percent notation representing the colors red, green and blue. Values are a percent in the range of 0-100.
    • Pure red: rgb(100%,0%,0%)
    • Pure black: rgb(0%,0%,0%)
    • Pure white: rgb(100%,100%,100%)
  • rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb) - a decimal integer notation representing the colors red, green and blue. Values are in the range of 0-255. rgb(255,0,0)
    • Pure red: rgb(255,0,0)
    • Pure black: rgb(0,0,0)
    • Pure white: rgb(255,255,255)
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UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time and is the basis for civil time today. It is not a time zone but rather is the universal time based on International Atomic Time and the Earth's rotation. UTC is roughly equivalent to what was known as Greenwich Mean Time, the current time at the Prime Meridian located at 0 degrees longitude.
A Toll-Free Number state indicating that the number has an Active Record at one or more SCPs (i.e., the number is actively processing calls).