8MS User Guide
Customizing 8MS

This section of the document describes all Company and User Preferences. These preferences are values that affect the appearance and behavior of the 8MS User Interface. Preferences cover three general areas: look and behavior of individual screens, common features across all screens, and system performance. Preferences may be one of three types:

Note that most User and Company preferences have a system-wide default value. If you have not specified a value for any of these preferences, they will contain the system-wide default value.

Also note that in the descriptions below, the preferences do not list their type (i.e., User, Company, or User/Company). This is because each 8MS platform may define each preference as a different type. The User Prefs and Company Prefs screens provide a drop-down list of available preferences. This will determine the type of each preference. If you are unsure about a particular preference, please contact the 8MS Support Team.

Finally, it should be noted that the Company Preference screen is not available for companies on a Service Bureau platform since it is possible for one company to negatively impact system performance for other companies. If you are on a Service Bureau platform, contact the 8MS Support Team and they will make any desired configuration changes.

The following individual screens may be customized:

EditPlan, the Complex Routing Editor, has it's own preferences screen. Refer to EditPlan Preferences for the details on this screen.

Some preferences affect behavior across all screens. Additionally, the 8MS menu has a Favorites feature that allows you to toggle your menu view between all available menu items and your favorite items. The following common features may be customized.

The following system processes are customizable via company preferences. Customizing these processes may affect system performance.

The following set of preferences affect individual screens in the user interface.
Activity Log
These preferences influence the behavior of the Activity Log screen.
is the number of days to save Activity Log entries.
is the maximum number of records the Activity Log will retrieve before suggesting a more restrictive filter.
is the delimiter for the "spreadsheet-friendly" Activity Log detail.
is the number of records to display in one load to the screen.
API Msg Status
These preferences influence the behavior of the API Message Status screen.
is the default message limit for API Msg Status.
Batch Log
These preferences influence the behavior of the Batch Log screen.
is the maximum number of Batch entries to display on the batch log screen.
is the maximum amount of numbers to display in the bottom portion of the batch log screen.
indicates whether or not to show the Requeue button on the Batch Log screen. If set to '1', the button will appear.
Record Management
These preferences influence the behavior of the Record Management screen.

Note that ContactName and ContactPhone also affect the Search/Reserve screen. BillToNumber, ListName1, RAO and SFNumber also affect the CPRGen Management. Finally, the SMS Template Management screen is affected by the following fields: BillToNumber, ContactName, ContactPhone, DefaultTerminationsTF, InterLATACarrier, IntraLATACarrier, RAO, SFNumber, and SmsTemplatesCprColors.
is the default value for the BillToNumber field in the Number Information section of Record Administration. This is also the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers.
is the default tab that is selected when accessing the Record Management screen. See Tab Management for the list of valid values.
is a comma separated list of tabs to show on the Record Management screen. The order the values are entered here indicates the order the tabs will appear on the screen. See Tab Management for the list of valid values.
is the default value for the Contact Name field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value for the Contact Phone field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value for the Directory Assistance Type. The value can be one of "N" (normal), "G" (government), or "F" (frequently called).
is the default POTS CNT9 values. Optional values are LNS, CITY, FSO, HML, LSIS, LSO, SFG, STN, UTS.
is the default toll-free number CNT9 values. Optional values are LNS, CITY, FSO, HML, LSIS, LSO, SFG, STN, UTS.
is the default value (CIC code) for the InterLATA Carrier field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value (CIC code) for the IntraLATA Carrier field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value for Listing Type in Record Administation. It can be one of "BL" (blocked), "LI" (published), or "NP" (non-published).
is the default value for the Names field in the Listing section of Record Administration. This preference is also the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers.
is the default value for the RAO field in the Number Information section of Record Administration. This is also the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers.
defines a comma separated list of schedule record status values for which available SCP status data will be shown. Records not in one of these status values will not have SCP status data shown even it is available. If the list is empty, no SCP status data will ever be shown. The values for this preference are the numeric equivalents of the record status values, as shown below.
OLD: 5
is the default value for the SFNumber field in the Number Information section of Record Administration. This is also the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers.
contains the colors used in the Complex Record drop-down list to distinguish DN CPRs from Template CPRs. The format is fg-color:bg-color where fg-color is the foreground (text) color and bg-color is the background (box surrounding the text) color. See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified.
CPR Management
These preferences influence the behavior of the CPR Management screen as well as SMS Template CPR Management and editplan, the Complex Routing Editor.
is the maximum number of CPR records that can be returned by the Get Plan button of CPR Management.
controls the way the plan editor presents data. When set to 0, the editor always display nodes as boxes with text. When set to 1, the editor uses an image to represent the type of each node.
is the number of days to retain local plans created by the plan editor through Save_As.
These preferences influence the behavior of the Disconnect screen.
is the default tab that is selected when accessing the Disconnect screen. See Tab Management for the list of valid values.
is a comma separated list of tabs to show on the Disconnect screen. The order the values are entered here indicates the order the tabs will appear on the screen. See Tab Management for the list of valid values.
Number of days to add to the current date for the End Intercept Date field.
These preferences influence the behavior of the Login screen.
is the banner message that appears after logging in to 8MS. It can contain html.
These preferences influence the behavior of the Retrieve screen.
is the default for the Number Data Only checkbox on the Query screen. If set to '1', the checkbox will be checked.
ROC Management
These preferences influence the behavior of the ROC Management screen.
is the default value selected in the Check Out State drop-down. The values for this preference are the numeric equivalents of the check-out states, as shown below.
Checked Out: 0
Not Checked Out: 1
Both: 2
is the default value selected in the Progress drop-down.
is the number of records to display in one load to the screen.
is the time, in seconds, to wait for ROC responses.
Queries sent to the Somos ROC system can be slow because of the volume of data returned per toll-free number, multiplied by the large amount of numbers allowed in a single request. This preference was added in response to that problem. Be cautious of setting this value too low as it may create problems when trying to view requests.
is the number of days before today for the Start Date default.
ROC Submit Request
These preferences influence the behavior of the ROC Submit Request screen.
is the default Resp Org populated in the Requesting RespOrg field.
is the time, in seconds, to wait for ROC responses.
Queries sent to the Somos ROC system can be slow because of the volume of data returned per toll-free number, multiplied by the large amount of numbers allowed in a single request. This preference was added in response to that problem. Be cautious of setting this value too low as it may create problems when trying to view requests.
Search Local Numbers
These preferences influence the behavior of the >Search Local Numbers screen.

Note that SearchLocalDelimiter affects the Search Local Records, Search Local SMS Template and Search Local Carrier Express screens as well.
is the number of records to display in one load to the screen.
is the maximum number of records to retrieve before requiring more restrictive filter.
is the delimiter for the "spreadsheet-friendly" Search detail.
Search Local Records, Search Local SMS Template, and Search Local Carrier Express
These preferences influence the behavior of the Search Local Records, Search Local SMS Template and Search Local Carrier Express screens.

Note that SearchLocalDelimiter affects the Search Local Number screen as well.
is the number of records to display in one load to the screen.
is the maximum number of records to retrieve.
is the delimiter for the "spreadsheet-friendly" Search detail.
These preferences influence the behavior of the Search/Reserve screen. The Reservation Data section of the Search/Reserve provides a RespOrg drop-down list. The selected item in this drop-down indicates the Resp Org under which the numbers will be reserved. The preferences described here primarily influence the behavior of this drop-down list.

Note that ContactName and ContactPhone affect the Record Management screen as well.
is the default value for the Contact Name field when reserving numbers.
is the default value for the Contact Phone field when reserving numbers.
indicates whether or not to create a number list for search and reserve requests. Setting this to '1' creates number lists.
Display and require the Customer Name field. Set to 1 to display and require the Customer Name. Set to 0 to hide the field.
This preference overrides the company default Resp Org.
This preference is a comma separated list of Resp Orgs to be displayed in the drop-down. The string All is a shorthand for every Resp Org available for this company.

Privileged companies (typically on a Private or Dedicated 8MS platform) may also include Resp Orgs that belong to other companies, allowing that privileged company to have control over all Resp Orgs on that 8MS platform.

This preference indicates whether or not to to populate the RespOrg drop-down list with the User or Company specified default Resp Org selected. Setting this preference to 1 says to select the default Resp Org; setting it to 0 says do not select the defalut Resp Org. The default Resp Org will be the one indicated in the preference ReserveResporg. If this preference is not set the selected Resp Org is the Company default Resp Org.
Allow 800ForAll Searches by adding the 800ForAll search fields. Set to 1 to show the fields and 0 to hide them.
SMS Message Status/Carrier Express Message Status
These preferences influence the behavior of the SMS Message Status and Carrier Express Message Status screens.
is the initial number of records (SMS messages) to show on the SMS Message Status screen.
Spare # Forecast
These preferences influence the behavior of the Spare # Forecast screen.
is the maximum amount of toll-free numbers that will be retrieved by the API.
is the maximum amount of rows to display in a page.
is the maximum amount of toll-free numbers that can be inserted into a number list.
is the maximum amount of toll-free numbers that will be retrieved.
8MS Routing Set Info
These preferences influence the behavior of the 8MS Routing Set Info screen.
is the number of records to display per screen on 8MS Routing Set Info.
is the maximum number of records to retrieve on 8MS Routing Set Info.
SMS Template CPR Management
These preferences influence the behavior of the SMS Template CPR Management screen as well as CPR Management and editplan, the Complex Routing Editor.
is the maximum number of CPR records that can be returned by the Get Plan button of CPR Management.
controls the way the plan editor presents data. When set to 0, the editor always display nodes as boxes with text. When set to 1, the editor uses an image to represent the type of each node.
is the number of days to retain local plans created by the plan editor through Save_As.
SMS Template Info
These preferences influence the behavior of the SMS Template Info screen.
is the number of records to display per screen on SMS Template Info.
is the maximum number of records to retrieve on SMS Template Info.
SMS Template Management
These preferences influence the behavior of the SMS Template Management screen.

Note that SmsTemplatesCprColors. also affects the Record Management screen.
is the default value for the BillToNumber field in the Number Information section of Record Administration. This is also the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers.
is the default value for the Contact Name field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value for the Contact Phone field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default toll-free number CNT9 values. Optional values are LNS, CITY, FSO, HML, LSIS, LSO, SFG, STN, UTS.
is the default value (CIC code) for the InterLATA Carrier field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value (CIC code) for the IntraLATA Carrier field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value for the RAO field in the Number Information section of Record Administration. This is also the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers.
is the default value for the SFNumber field in the Number Information section of Record Administration. This is also the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers.
contains the colors used in the Complex Record drop-down list to distinguish DN CPRs from Template CPRs. The format is fg-color:bg-color where fg-color is the foreground (text) color and bg-color is the background (box surrounding the text) color. See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified.
The default Resp Org to populate in the Resp Org field.
Toll Free Number/8MS Routing Set Report
These preferences influence the behavior of the Toll Free Number/8MS Routing Set Report.
overrides the default size of the text font used on the CAD and CPR summary sections of the report.
overrides the default size of the text font used on the CPR section of the report.
indicates whether or not you want to customize the generated report. Setting this preference to 1 causes a pop-up to appear. This pop-up allows you to change font size, orientation and other formatting options. Set this preference to 0 if you are happy with the default values as this will save having to click the View button on the pop-up, allowing the report to be generated more quickly.
The following set of preferences affect common behavior of the user interface.
Sending Messages
These preferences influence behavior when sending messages to SMS/800. Some affect user interface while others affect the 8MS API. Both sets of preferences are common across many or all screens or API calls.
is the time, in seconds, to wait for a response from SMS/800 when called from the API.
is the time, in seconds, to wait for an SMS/800 response.
Tab Management
This section lists the values to be used for CadTabs, DisconnectTabs, CadDefaultTab and DisconnectDefaultTab preferences for Record Management and Disconnect. The Tab Name column is the name of the tab that will appear on the screen. The Value column is the value to use in the preference.
Tab Name Value Screen
SMS/800 sms Disconnect
SMS CAD  smscad  Record Management
SMS PAD smspad  Record Management 
Verizon 0222 vzeb All
User Interface
These preferences influence appearance, behavior, and population of lists in the user interface. These preferences are common across 8MS.
is the destination email address populated in an email composition window when the Email Customer Support button is selected. Setting this parameter to the value "no email" indicates the email button should not be shown.
is the background color of the form area for each screen. See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified.
is the background color of the area behind the form. See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified.
is the value populated in the Max Msgs per Hour field on the Batch Pop-up screen. This preference is intended to be used for batches that may influence the per Resp Org CPU percent allocation defined by SMS/800 and is only applied to the Batch Pop-up for the following screens: Cad Management, Copy Record, Disconnect, Transfer, and Undo Record Change. Any other screen that generates a batch will not populate the Max Msgs per Hour field with this value.
is a list of Number List Names, delimeted by a semi-colon (;). These names will appear at the top of any list of Number Lists, before the most recently used Number Lists.
is a list of 8MS Routing Set Names, delimited by a semi-colon (;). These names will appear at the top of the list of 8MS Routing Sets on all 8MS Routing Set drop-down lists, before the most recently used 8MS Routing Sets.
is a list of SMS Template Names, delimited by a semi-colon (;). These names will appear at the top of the list of SMS Templates on all SMS Template drop-down lists, before the most recently used SMS Templates.
indicates how to sort number lists, whereever they may appear. They may be sorted by Userid (U), Notes (N) or Time (T).
is the number of recently referenced toll-free numbers to display in the recently used toll-free number choice list.
is the number of recently referenced Number Lists to initially display in the recently used number lists drop down.
is the number of recently referenced Portal Clients to initially display in the recently used Portal Clients drop down.
is the number of recently referenced 8MS Routing Sets to display in the recently used 8MS Routing Sets drop-down list.
is the number of recently referenced SMS Templates to display in the recently used SMS Templates drop-down list.
indicates whether or not to show the response frame which is shown on the bottom of all screens that send messages to SMS. Setting this to 1 shows the response frame; setting it to 0 hides the response frame.
is the default size (in percent) of the response frame that is shown on the bottom of all screens that send messages to SMS.
contains the colors for highlighting the current row in a table. The format is fg-color:bg-color where fg-color is the foreground (text) color and bg-color is the background (box surrounding the text) color. If a single color is specified, it is treated as the background color. See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified. Set the value to 'disable' to turn off highlighting.
contains the colors for odd/even rows in a table. The format is odd-fg-color:odd-bg-color,even-fg-color:even-bg-color where odd-fg-color is the foreground (text) color and odd-bg-color is the background (box surrounding the text) color of odd rows and even-fg-color is the foreground (font) color and even-bg-color is the background (box surrounding the text) color of even rows. If only 2 comma-separated colors are specified, they are treated as background colors. See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified. Set the value to 'disable' to turn off highlighting.
Shortcuts are hyperlinks that allow you to execute a particular action on another screen without having to go to the screen that contains that action. See Shortcuts for details. If the preference is set to 1 then show shortcut menus on data items that contain shortcuts. If the preference is set to 0 then don't show shortcut menus.
contains the colors for indicating an item has a shortcuts menu. The format is fg-color:bg-color where fg-color is the foreground (text) color and bg-color is the background (box surrounding the text) color. If a single color is specified, it is treated as the foreground color. See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified. Set the value to 'disable' to turn off highlighting.
Controls whether BR Templates with no numbers assigned to them are displayed in the SMS Templates MRU List. When set to 0, BR Templates are not displayed. When set to 1, BR Templates are diplayed.
indicates whether or not to display the Number Count after a Number List is selected on a drop-down list. If retrieving the count is disabled, a link is shown where the Number Count would be shown. Selecting this link will then display the count. Set to 1 to display the count; set to 0 to display the link.
indicates whether or not to display the Number Count after an 8MS Routing Set is selected on a drop-down list. If retrieving the count is disabled, a link is shown where the Number Count would be shown. Selecting this link will then display the count. Set to 1 to display the count; set to 0 to display the link.
indicates whether or not to display the Number Count after an SMS Template is selected on a drop-down list. If retrieving the count is disabled, a link is shown where the Number Count would be shown. Selecting this link will then display the count. Set to 1 to display the count; set to 0 to display the link.
is the background color of the table of contents (menu frame). See User Interface Colors in the Terminology section for an explanation of how colors may be specified.
indicates whether the user interface menu is in favorites or normal mode. All indicates normal mode; Favorite indicates favorites mode. This preference is not normally set by the user. Instead, selecting the red heart below the menu puts the menu into favorites or normal mode.
indicates whether or not to show the favorites (red and white hearts) control mechanism. Set to 1 to enabled favorites; set to 0 to disable favorites.
indicates whether or not to use traditional hyperlinks on the web pages. Setting this to 0 indicates stylesheets should be used and setting it to 1 indicates traditional hyperlinks should be used. The default preference is set to 0 (stylesheets).
sets the minimum and interval percentages for Usage Alerts. Format: X%:I%. A user is alerted at login if the companies Number count or GUI, API, or Delete Local transaction count is greater than X% and every I% interval after the initial alert. Set to 0%:0% to disable alerts. Set to X%:0% to alert once at X%. Set to 80%:10% to alert at 80%, 90% and 100%.
If 1 then show the various indicators while waiting for results from the server (similar to an hourglass in windows). If 0 then do not show a working indicator.
The following set of preferences affect system performance for your company.
Auto Reserve
These preferences influence the behavior of Auto Reserve processing. Auto Reserve is an 8MS add-on feature.
is the number of autorsv jobs per company during HighVolumeTime.
is the interval to send jobs when not in HighVolumeTime.
is the number of autorsv jobs per company during PeakTime.
is the Listid of the list to run during PeakTime.
Batch Performance
These preferences influence the behavior of batch processing.

Use caution when changing these values as they can negatively impact performance on your machine. It is recommented that you contact the 8MS Support Team before modifying any of these values.
is the number of messages after which batch will stop queueing messages.
limits the number of outstanding batches (status other than Message Complete or Complete) a user can have. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
CPRGen Management
These preferences primarily influence Local CPRs generated by CPRGen while one preference affects the screen.

Note that BillToNumber and ListName1, RAO and SFNumber affect the Record Management screen as well.
is the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers. This is also the default value for the BillToNumber field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the number of days to retain local plans generated by cprgen.
is the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers. This is also the default value for the Names field in the Listing section of Record Administration.
is the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers. This is also the default value for the RAO field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the default value used for Cprgen batch activations of Reserved or Transitional numbers. This is also the default value for the SFNumber field in the Number Information section of Record Administration.
is the number of records to display in one load to the screen.
LCRGen Management
These preferences influence Local CPRs generated by LCRGen.
is the number of days to retain local plans generated by lcrgen.
Number List Management
These preferences influence Number Lists.
is the default offset, in days, for number list expiration dates.
8MS Menu Favorites
When you log in to 8MS, a menu is shown on the left side of your web browser. By default, all menu items available to your user id are shown. You have the option of identifying individual menu items as favorites. After defining your favorites, you may toggle your menu view from all menu items to just your favorites and then back again, whenever you wish.

When no menu items are tagged as favorites the menu will appear as follows.

To tag a menu item as a favorite, move your mouse to the left of the menu item. A small white heart will appear to the left of the menu item. A small pop-up hint will also appear, containing the text Add to Favorites if your mouse remains there for more than one second.

Click left on the heart. The heart will change from white to red and the hint will change to Remove from Favorites.

After selecting all your favorites you will have a series of red hearts that will continue to show, one for each menu item tagged as a favorite. The white hearts will only appear when your mouse floats over one.

If you wish to remove a menu item from your favorites, simply move your mouse over the red heart of that item and click. The heart will change back to white and will disappear when you move your mouse away.

Below the menu, in a separate frame, are three links. The first link is the Login button, which allows you to go back to the 8MS Login screen. The second link is a ? which links to the 8MS User Guide. The third link, to the right of the user guide link, is a red heart.

To toggle your menu view from all items to just favorites, click on the red heart. All non-favorite menu items will be removed from the menu and the red hearts shown to the left of your favorite menu items will also disappear.

The red heart to the right of the user guide link will change to white, indicating that your menu currently shows only your favorites. Any menu items in your favorites may be removed by moving your mouse to the left of the item and clicking on the white heart. The menu item will be immediately removed from the menu.

Clicking on the white heart will restore your menu to all items, and all favorite items will again have a red heart to the left of them. The white heart at the bottom, to the right of the user guide link, will again turn red, indicating that your menu currently shows all your menu items.

Your favorite menu items will be retained across login sessions, so it is not necessary to reselect your favorites each time you log in.