8MS User Guide
Editing Complex Routing

8MS stores the complex routing of a toll free number or SMS Template (what SMS/800 refers to as the CPR and LAD portions of a record) in a single data object, and supplies a graphical tool for creating and/or modifying such routing. Complex routing records (or CPRs) can either be local or official. For more information on these types of CPRs, please see CPR Management or SMS Template CPR Management.

The tool for editing complex routing, called EditPlan, can be accessed from the CPR Management, Record Management: SMS CAD, SMS Template CPR Management, SMS Template Management and CPR Generator screens.

The complex routing is presented as a tree, consisting of nodes and branches. Types of nodes include Allocator, Announcement, Area Code, Carrier, Telephone, Ten Digit, and Time. These nodes represent decision points in your routing plan. For example, an Area Code node allows you to direct the toll free number routing according to the area code of the originating call.

A branch is used to direct a routing plan to the next node. Branch types are dependent upon the node from which the branch originates. Branch values specify the conditions under which a call should follow that path. For example, an Area Code node could have three branches flowing from it: the first branch directs calls from the 609 and 856 area codes to one node, the second branch directs calls from the 973, 908 and 732 calls to another node, and the third branch directs calls from all other area codes to yet another node. A branch value can also be an SMS/800 label, that is, a user-defined name associated with one or more values of the appropriate type. For example, in the tree shown below, *EAST is an Area Code label, whose value consists of one or more Area Codes. If the call originated from any of the Area Codes in the *EAST label, the call is sent to the given termination. If the call originated from an Area Code not in the *EAST label, then the OTHER path will be taken, and the next decision point will be the Allocator node.

The following is an example of a routing plan:

Editor Controls

The following is a screenshot of the plan editor controls, followed by a description of the control sections.

Section Purpose
Menubar The first row of the controls provides a standard user interface menubar. The commands for the menubar are described below, in the Editor Operations section.
Command Mode The second row of the controls allows for a keyboard-driven set of commands for operations in the menubar. Command Mode commands are described below, in the Editor Operations section. A detailed explanation of how to use command mode is described below, in the Command Mode section.
Toolbar The left side of the third row provides a toolbar with shortcuts for operations in the menubar. The commands for the toolbar are described below, in the Editor Operations section.
Set/Set All/Find To the right of the Toolbar on the third row are the Set/Set All/Find command buttons. These commands are described below, in the Editor Operations section.
Validation Feedback The fourth row of the controls contains a text area for providing feedback to the user. This is used most often for show validation errors in the CPR, although it also shows information messages at appropriate times.
Editor Operations

The table below describes how to perform the various operations on a routing plan. The Toolbar Icon shows the icon that gives you quick access to a menubar operation.

Action How to Perform Toolbar Icon Key Command
Create a New CPR
  • Select New from the File menu.
  • This will throw away the current CPR (after confirming this with the user) and then create a new, empty CPR.
Open a New Dialed Number CPR
  • Select Open -> Open Dialed Number Plan... from the File menu.
  • This will provide a popup that will allow the user to open another routing plan for editing. The plan opened is based on toll free number and plan name.
Open a New SMS Template CPR
  • Select Open ->> Open SMS Template Plan... from the File menu.
  • This will provide a popup that will allow the user to open another routing plan for editing. The plan opened will be any of the local SMS Template plans.
Save CPR Changes
  • Select Save from the File menu.
  • This will save the plan back to the 8MS database. If this is a new plan or a read-only then the "Save As" menu will appear.
Save CPR Changes with a New Name
  • Select Save As -> Save As Dialed Number Plan... or Save As -> Save As SMS Template Plan... from the File menu.
  • This allows the user make a copy of a routing plan for backup purposes or if the user was editing an official (read-only) plan. If Save As Dialed Number Plan... is selected then the plan saved is a local plan associated with a particular toll free number. If Save As SMS Template Plan... is selected then the plan saved is a local SMS Template plan and is not associated with a particular SMS Template.
Exit the CPR Editor
  • Select Quit from the File menu.
  • This will exit the plan editor.

Enter/exit Command Mode Hitting this key allows the user to enter Command Mode. If in Command Mode, hitting this key allows the user to exit Command Mode. This is for Command Mode only. Escape Key
Execute Command Mode command When in Command Mode, hitting this key causes the entered command to be validated and, if valid, executed. Enter Key
Show the Command Mode Help Dialog When in Command Mode, this will show the Command Mode Help Dialog. ?

Add a Node
  • From the Edit menu, select Node -> Add Node.
  • A new node can be added as the first node of a tree or to a branch.
Insert a Node
  • From the Edit menu, select Node -> Insert Node.
  • A new node can be inserted in front of any existing node in a tree.
Set or Change a Node Type or Value
  • Click on the node. The node will change from its icon form to its edit form.
  • Type directly into the node, or use the Current Value drop-down list in the upper right-hand corner, and hit the button.
  • Changing the type of an existing node may clear all of its branch values.
Splice a Node
  • From the Edit menu, select Node -> Splice Node.
  • A single node may be cut out of the CPR, allowing the nodes below it to be attached to the node above it.
  • A node can only be spliced when there is a node above it and one or more nodes below it.
  • Click on the node. Select Node -> Splice Node from the Edit menu. This will cut out the current node and shift it's children to below it's parent.
  • For more detail, refer to the Splicing a CPR section below.
Delete a Node and all of its Branches
  • Click on a node. Select Node -> Delete Node from the Edit menu. This will delete the node and all its children.
  • To delete a node and store the deleted subtree in the Copy Buffer, see the Cut a Subtree command.

Add a Branch
  • Click on a node or a branch.  Select Branch -> Add Branch from the Edit menu.
  • Adding a new branch while on an existing branch will add it immediately below the current position.
  • Adding a new branch while on a node will add a new branch below all existing branches of the node.
Insert a Branch
  • Click on a node or a branch. Select Branch -> Insert Branch from the Edit menu.
  • Inserting a new branch while on an existing branch will add it immediately above the current position.
  • Adding a new branch while on a node will add a new branch above all existing branches of the node.
Modify a Branch
  • Select the Branch Value to be changed and type the new value in the highlighted area.
Delete a Branch
  • Select the branch to be deleted and select Branch -> Delete Branch.
  • Deleting a branch deletes the whole sub-tree below the branch.
  • To delete a branch and store the deleted subtree in the Copy Buffer, see the Cut a Subtree command.

Cut a Subtree
  • Select the node or branch to be deleted and stored in the Copy Buffer. Now select Cut from the Edit menu.
  • Cutting a node or branch deletes the whole sub-tree below that node or branch.
Copy a Subtree
  • Select the node or branch to be stored in the Copy Buffer. Now select Copy from the Edit menu.
Paste a Subtree
  • To paste a subtree starting with a branch, select a node with no child nodes below it. Now select Paste from the Edit menu.
  • To paste a subtree starting with a node, select a branch with no child nodes below it. Now select Paste from the Edit menu.
Paste Labels
  • To paste labels currently stored in the Copy Buffer, select Paste Labels from the Edit menu.

    It is possible to copy labels from another CPR and then add those labels to the CPR currently being edited. See The Copy Buffer for details on managing the Copy Buffer.

View Copy Buffer
  • To view the current Copy Buffer, select View Copy Buffer from the Edit menu.

    See The Copy Buffer for details on managing the Copy Buffer.


Create a New Label
  • Select a branch that allows labels. Select Labels -> Add Branch from the Edit menu.
  • The node-specific label builder popup will appear. Enter or select the values to be stored in the label and select the Save button. If the branch in the previous step had a label name entered then the new label will be created. If the branch in the previous step was blank then the Save As popup will appear. Enter the name of the label and select Ok on the Save As popup.
  • Additional labels for this node type may be created while in the label builder. Enter or select the values to be stored in the new label and select the Save As button. These labels may now be entered on any branch of this node type.
Modify (Edit) an Existing Label
  • Select a branch that allows labels and has a label entered on the branch. Select Labels -> Edit Label from the Edit menu.
  • The node-specific label builder popup will appear with all values in this label selected. Make all your changes and select the Save button. If the branch in the previous step had a label name entered then the new label will be created. If the branch in the previous step was blank then the Save As popup will appear. Enter the name of the label and select Ok on the Save As popup.
  • Additional labels for this node type may be created while in the label builder. Enter or select the values to be stored in the new label and select the Save As button. These labels may now be entered on any branch of this node type.
Delete Label Select a branch containing the name of the label to be deleted. Select Labels -> Delete Label from the Edit menu.
The label will be deleted. Note that the branch value will turn red, indicating that the label on this branch is invalid (since it no longer exists).

Navigating the CPR
  • The 4 keyboard arrow keys allow the user to "walk" the CPR.
  • Holding down any one arrow key allows the user to quickly more up, down, left or right.
    • Holding down the left arrow key will quickly move you to the root node.
    • Holding down the right arrow key will quickly move focus down the first path (top child node/branch) until focus movement stops at the leaf/terminal node.
    • Holding down the up arrow key will quickly move focus to the top sibling node/branch. When the top node/branch has been reached, focus will then jump down to the bottom node/branch.
    • Holding down the down arrow key will quickly move focus to the bottom sibling node/branch. When the bottom node/branch has been reached, focus will then jump up to the top node/branch.
Up Arrow Key
Down Arrow Key
Left Arrow Key
Right Arrow Key
Depth-first traversal of the CPR A depth-first traversal of a tree moves focus from any node/branch to the child (right) node/branch. When reaching a leaf/terminal node, focus backtracks to the parent's next branch and then continues in the same manner. Enter Key
Go to Root Node Move focus to the Root Node of this CPR gr
Find Node/Branch Find the next branch that matches the current branch f

Change Node Display Mode
  • Select Graphical from the View menu.
  • This toggles between graphical display, in which nodes are displayed as icons, and standard display, in which nodes are displayed as text.
  • Graphical mode is the default; standard is depicted above.
  • Note: even in graphical mode, the current node will be displayed as editable text.
Change Tree Display Mode
  • Select Balanced from the View menu.
  • This toggles between two means of displaying the routing tree. Balanced mode is the default, and is the mode depicted above. Non-balanced mode displays the tree somewhat like Microsoft Windows Explorer displays folder trees.
Zoom In
  • Select Zoom In from the View menu.
  • This will increase the size of nodes in the editing window, making them easier to read.
Zoom Out
  • Select Zoom Out from the View menu.
  • This will decrease the size of nodes in the editing window, allowing more of the tree to be visible at one time.
Fit to Window
  • Select Fit to Window from the View menu.
  • This will determine the maximum node display size that allows the entire tree to be visible in the current window.
Normal View
  • Select Normal View from the View menu.
  • This resets the node display size of its initial value.

Collapse Tree
  • Select Collapse Node from the Tree menu.
  • This will collapse the tree from the current node downwards, and replace the sub-tree with an expansion icon at the end of the path.
  • An expansion icon is a circle with the icon of the node type in the center of the circle. As an example, an NXX expansion icon would be
Expand One Level
  • Select Expand One Level from the Tree menu.
  • This will expand the current node but will not expand any of the sub-tree.
Expand Node
  • Select Expand Node from the Tree menu.
  • This will expand the current node and all sub-trees under the current node.
Expand Tree
  • Select Expand Tree from the Tree menu.
  • This will fully expand all collapsed node in the current tree.

Highlight Path Highlight the current node/branch and all nodes/branches to the right See the Highlighting CPR Paths section for details on this command. hp
Unhighlight this Path (Highlight Path Off) Turn off any highlighting on this node/branch and all nodes/branches to the right. See the Highlighting CPR Paths section for details on this command. hpo
Unhighlight Tree (Highlight Tree Off) Turn off any highlighting on this CPR. See the Highlighting CPR Paths section for details on this command. hto

Create "Bulk" Labels
  • Select Build Labels from the Label menu.
  • The Label Builder popup will appear. Type or paste the values to be stored in the label, select the Build button to split out and define your labels and then select the Import button to import the labels into your CPR. See the section on Label Builder, below, for details on using this popup.
Remove Unused Labels
  • Select Cleanup Labels from the Label menu.
  • This function allows all unused labels to be removed in one step.
Remove Bad Label Values
  • Select Cleanup Label Values from the Label menu.
  • This function allows all illegal label values to be removed in one step.
View Labels
  • Select View Labels from the Label menu.
  • The Labels Viewer popup will appear.
    • If focus is not on a branch with a label, the popup will be empty. Enter any desired filters to limit what labels are shown and then select the Show button. To view all labels, select the Show button without specifying any filters.
    • If focus is on a branch containing a label, that label's value will be shown.
  • See the section Labels Viewer Dialog for more details.

In addition to the menubar and toolbar, a context-sensitive menu of node, branch and label options is also available in the work area of the editor (i.e. the area with nodes and branches). This menu is available by clicking right on the node or branch that has focus. This menu contains the most commonly used commands. An example of this menu is shown below, activated by a right click on the highlighted AreaCode node.

Editor Concepts and Functions
Splicing a CPR
The Splice Node command works alongside Add Node, Insert Node, and Delete Node. Among these node edit commands, Splice Node is relatively new (introduced in 8MS release 16.0). Splicing a node removes that single node and shifts all its children to its parent. Prior to the addition of this tool, there was no way to delete a single node without deleting all of its children. It's use may not be obvious, so an example is provided here.

The focus node, a Day node, is child to an Allocator. The user wants to remove the Day node but keep the routing below it intact.

After splicing the Day node, the node and the branch leading in to it are removed and the Day node's two child branches now come directly from the Allocator. These two branches are position exactly where the Day node was located. Note that the two branches that were reparented now have blank values because the Day branch values "SA,SU" and "OTHER" have no meaning to an Allocator node. The user will need to provide meaningful values on these branches. The lower "50" branch of the Allocator remains where it was and its branch value is not modified.

Another case where the Splice Node command is useful is to chop out the root node and move it's child into the root position. The root node may only be spliced if it has a single child. Splicing a root node with multiple children would leave multiple root nodes, something that is not allowed.

Command Mode

Command Mode provide keyboard-driven commands to execute operations available from the menubar or toolbar. When typing on the keyboard, characters are entered into the node or branch that has focus. Pressing the Escape key puts the user into Command Mode. When in Command Mode, the user may type short strings that execute commands which are normally only available from the menu or toolbar. Pressing the Enter key after the command has been entered will execute that command and then exit Command Mode. If you enter Command Mode by accident, pressing Escape a second time will exit you from Command Mode.

Commands in Command Mode are shown in a new text area located between the Menubar and the Toolbar. The image below shows the Command Mode area immediately after a user has pressed the Escape key.

If the user presses the Escape key again to exit Command Mode, the following is shown.
If a user types a valid command, the command is executed and the Command Mode area shows the name of the command that was executed. In the example below, the user has typed "an" for Add Node. The name of the command is shown to the right of the text typed by the user.

Had it been legal to add a node off the current focus branch, a new node would have been added. In this case, however, the focus branch already had a node, so an error is shown instead. This demonstrates another feature of Command Mode. Buttons are dimmed when a command is not available, but for typed commands, feedback is provided if the command is invalid in the current context.

Below is the list of Key Commands available in Command Mode, their equivalent button command, and a brief description of what the command does.

The list of Key Commands equivalent button commands, and a brief description is also available from within the editor by going to the Help menu on the Menubar and selecting Command Mode Help.
Choice Lists

A context-sensitive choice list is available on the upper right of the editor, as shown in the screen shot below.

This choice list is populated with a set of values for the field that currently had focus. If focus is on the node type field of a Node, this list containes all node types. If focus is on a branch, this list contains all labels whose type matched the branch's parent node type and also contains the value "OTHER". In addition, if focus is on a branch off of a geographic node such as State, Lata, or Area Code, the geographic values (e.g. all states) are also available, but only if that list of values is a reasonably limited set of values. Specifically, all State, Lata and Area Code choices are available in this list. NXX, SixDigit and TenDigit values, since these lists are extremely large, are not available.

In addition to the choice list on the upper right, another choice list is available to speed up data entry. This list will appear immediately below the node/branch field that has focus. As you type, this list automatically reduces itself to all matching values until you reach a single value. When the list has a single item, pressing the Enter key will enter that value into the field. An AreaCode choice list example is shown below.

Users should be aware that the choice list matching for these choice lists does not match items in the list that start with the typed letters but instead matches ANY string containing the letters typed by the user. For example, if focus is on the node type field and the user types "a" it matches all node types that contain an "a", not just those node types that start with an "a". Thus, the list would contain Allocator, Announcement, AreaCode, Carrier, Date, Day of Week, Lata and State rather than just Allocator, Announcement and AreaCode. The screen shot below shows this example.

The Copy Buffer

Traditionally, a copy buffer allows users to cut and copy to a buffer and then paste the contents of that buffer somewhere else. In editplan, this has been extended to allow users to

To access the Copy Buffer Dialog, after copying something into the buffer, go to the Edit menu on the Menubar and click the View Copy Buffer button. The View Copy Buffer dialog will appear as shown below.

This dialog is read-only; the copy buffer CPR may not be edited in any way. The toolbar, context menu and command mode are not available, but the dialog does provides a menu bar with a subset of the commands normally available, as shown below.

Import Dialed Number Plan, Import SMS Template Plan, Export Dialed Number Plan, Export SMS Template Plan
Graphical, Balanced, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Fit to Window, Normal View, View Labels

Skipping over the File menu for a moment, the View menu provides commands for toggling between graphical and non-graphical as well as balanced and non-balanced. The four zoom commands are also available. The final button on the View menu is the View Labels button, which provides the ability to view label definitions for the CPR in the Copy Buffer.

The File menu on the View Copy Buffer dialog provides the ability to import a plan into the Copy Buffer and export the Copy Buffer as a local plan. Importing a plan uses the two Import commands and the area at the bottom of the dialog, as shown below.

To import a plan into the Copy Buffer, select the Import Dialed Number Plan or Import SMS Template Plan button. These buttons behave like the Open Dialed Number Plan or Open SMS Template Plan buttons except the selected plan is opened into the View Copy Buffer dialog. Once this is done, the user simply needs to select the Import to Copy Buffer button and the subtree in the Copy Buffer will be overwritten with the newly selected plan.
Opening a plan does not automatically import/overwrite the Copy Buffer. To move this plan into the Copy Buffer the user must select the Import to Copy Buffer button.

To the left of the Import to Copy Buffer button is the label Import from and two radio buttons labeled Root and Selected. These radio buttons are used to specify what portion of the plan will be written to the Copy Buffer. By default, the entire plan is written as specified by the Root button being selected. To import a portion of the current plan rather than the entire plan, click on a node so that it highlights in yellow and then check the Selected radio button to indicate this will be the root of the imported plan. Now select the Import to Copy Buffer button. The Copy Buffer will be overwritten with the subtree beginning with the selected node rather than the root node.

The Import from radio buttons provide a second function; they allow the user to select a subtree from the current Copy Buffer. To do this, open the View Copy Buffer dialog, select the node of the subtree desired, check the Selected button and then select the Import to Copy Buffer button. This modifies the current Copy Buffer subtree.

To export a plan from the Copy Buffer back to 8MS, select the Export Dialed Number Plan or Export SMS Template Plan button. These buttons behave like the Save-As Dialed Number Plan or Save-As SMS Template Plan buttons and will save the Copy Buffer as a local plan.

Highlighting CPR Paths
Highlighting provides the ability to select one or more paths and show the node and branch lines in a different color, (green by default). This is intended to allow you to focus your view on these particular paths for debugging call routing and makes group discussion easier. A highlighting example is shown below.
Label Name Conflicts

When pasting CPR and/or label data, it is possible there will be conflicting label names (that is, labels copied from the first plan that also exist in the second with the same type and different values). If conflicts exist, the following popup will be presented to help the user resolve the conflicts:

This screen shows the labels in conflict, along with their type. The New Name column suggests a new, unique name for each conflict. The user can replace the suggested names as desired and hit the Apply button. If there are conflicts with the newly supplied names, the popup will appear again. Otherwise, the imported labels are pasted into the current CPR.

A dialog is available that allows you to view your label definitions outside of the individual Label Editors. To access this dialog, go to the Labels menu on the Menubar and click the View Labels button. The View Labels dialog will appear as shown below.

Labels may be filtered by type or by name. They may also be ordered by type (and then name) or by name (and then type). After specifying any filtering or ordering, select the Show button and all matching labels will be shown in the scrolling section below the filters area.

If focus is set on a branch or node-specific field that contains a label, bringing up the View Labels dialog will cause the dialog to appear with the detail of that label showing in the dialog, as if you had filtered by that type and name.
Label Management

Maintenance of the LAD portion of a customer record is accomplished within the CPR editor. Labels can be created for any node type that accepts a label name as a branch value. All label names in SMS/800 must start with a *, followed by 1 to 7 additional characters.

8MS provides label editors that allow values to be associated with labels. Each label editor has its own unique appearance and behavior. For example, the LATA label editor allows LATAs to be selected, the Area Code label editor allows NPAs to be selected, etc. After selecting the desired values for the label, hit the Save button to save the label changes.

Label editors appear as new (popup) windows. Each label editor is described in detail below. There are two ways to invoke a label editor:

In addition to the label editors, there is another form of label creation which allows bulk creation of labels. Multiple labels can be created by typing or pasting data and clicking a few buttons. This is discussed below, in the section Label Builder.

To delete a label, it cannot be in use. A label currently in use anywhere in the tree will automatically be saved with the CPR; it cannot be deleted. Thus, to delete a label, first change all branches that use the label to new values. After changing the last branch, the label name should still be selected in the Current Value drop-down. (If not, make sure the current position is on a branch of the desired label type. The unused label should then be on the Current Value list.) Once the label to be deleted is selected from the list, hit the button (or select Label -> Delete from the Edit menu).

A means to remove all unused labels in one operation is provided. Select Cleanup Labels from the Labels menu. This examines the current CPR, looking for unused labels. If any exist, the following popup window appears:

The popup shows unused labels in the current CPR. Select the labels to be deleted, and hit the Accept button. Use the All and None buttons assist in the selection. By default, the popup shows empty, unused labels (that is, labels with no associated value). Selecting All unreferenced labels will also show labels that are unused, but have values:

A tool to remove all invalid values from labels is provided. Select Cleanup Label Values from the Labels menu. This examines the current CPR, looking for label values that have been marked invalid. If any exist, the following popup window appears:

The popup shows all invalid values found in labels. For example, the first entry on the screen above indicates that in the label *004, there are two invalid NXXs (386, 417) listed for NPA 202. Select the label values to be deleted, and hit the Accept button. Use the All and None buttons assist in the selection. By default, the popup shows empty, unused labels (that is, labels with no associated value). Upon selecting the Accept button, the following confirmation appears:

Below is an example of a Label Editor, to show the features generally available in all Label Editors.

Each label editor has a set of common buttons across the bottom of the dialog.

Button Description
View This button allows the contents of a label to be viewed in a popup window.
The area containing the label values may be selected, and copied/pasted into into another application.
Save This button saves the contents of the current label. If the label builder was invoked from the button then the builder will behave as if the Save As... button was selected.
Save As... Selecting this button brings up the Label Save As popup.
Enter the new label name and select the OK button to save the label or select the Cancel button to dismiss the popup.
Cancel Selecting this button dismisses the label builder popup without saving anything.

Most label editors have an additional set of common buttons to make it easier to view a large collection of values. These are located between the label values (main area) and the bottom row of View/Save/Save As/Cancel buttons.

Button Description
Select All Selecting this button selects all values. If a label will contain most available values, clicking this button and then unselecting the individual unwanted values may be faster than just selecting the desired values.
Select None Selecting this button unselects all values.
Invert Selected Selecting this button swaps the selected and unselected values. Selected values become unselected and unselected values become selected.
Hide Unselected Choices Selecting this button hides all values that have not been selected.
Hide Selected Choices Selecting this button hides all values that have been selected.
Show All Choices Selecting this button shows all values, effectively undoing any previous Hide actions.

A third set of common controls is available on most Label Editors, located at the top of the dialog. These controls are intended to make a large set of possible values easier to manage.

Button/Field Description
find text field The find field, located in the center of the upper portion of all Label Editors, accepts multiple values, separated by a comma or a space. It is used by the three buttons located to the right of the field.
Find Clicking this button causes all matching values to be highlighted.
Select Clicking this button causes all matching values to be highlighted.
Unselect Clicking this button causes all matching values to be unselected.
If any values in the find field do not exist, the user is given the option to add those unknown values as buttons in the main (label values) area. After clicking any of the buttons Find, Select, or Unselect a confirmation window will appear, as shown below.
Click the OK button and the value(s) will be added to the set of values.

After being added, the action selected takes effect on those newly added values, i.e. Find highlights the values, Select selects them and Unselect adds them without highlighting or selecting them.

Label List This drop-down list contains all labels of this node type that are associated with this CPR.
==> Selecting a label from the label drop-down to the left of this button and then clicking this button will copy all values from the selected label into the find field.

Users may then click any of the Find, Select, or Unselect buttons.

Count The read-only Count field shows the number of selected values.
The SixDigit Label Editor does not support the Select All, Select None, and Invert Selected buttons.

Values in a label editor are selected and unselected by clicking on the individual values. In some cases, label values are shown in groups, with group titles, to provide a logical view of the values. Clicking on a group title selects and unselects all values in that group.

Colors are used to indicate the state of individual label values. Unselected values have text in black and a gray background. Selected values have text in black and a green background. To illustrate grouped label values, consider the following two examples:

Area Code values are grouped by state.

Date values are grouped by month.

These examples are shown to highlight color meanings. Individual selected values are shown in green. If values are grouped, the group title is shown in green if all values in that group are selected. The group title is shown in yellow if some, but not all, values in that group are selected. For the Area Code example, the group title AB is shown in yellow because only the first two values are selected, while the group title AL is shown in green because all values in that group are selected. For the Date example, the group title Jan is shown in yellow because only five values are selected, while the group title Feb is shown in green because all values in that group are selected.

Invalid values are shown with the text in red, as shown below in a LATA example. Unselected invalid values have text in red and a gray background.

Selected invalid values text in red and a green background.

Invalid label values are those that are not currently known in the telephony network. As an example, 911 cannot be a valid area code. Where label values are grouped, invalid values will be shown at the top of the list of values, with a group title of !!, as shown in the Area Code example below.

Where label values are not grouped, invalid values will be shown in their proper alphanumeric position, as shown in the LATA example below.
Label Editors

SMS/800 supports labels for 9 node types: Area Code, Date, LATA, NXX, Six Digit, State, Ten Digit, Telephone and Time. Telephone labels are used in the node-specific data area; all other label types are used on branches. 8MS provides a label editor for each. They are described below.

Area Code

Below is a screenshot of the Area Code label editor:

This label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features.


Below is a screenshot of the Date label editor:

This label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features.


Below is a screenshot of the LATA label editor:

With the exception of grouping of label values, this label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features.


Below is a screenshot of the NXX label editor:

With the exception of grouping of label values, this label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features.

NXX labels contain values for a single NPA. The set of values shown in the dialog is based on the NPA selected. The default NPA selected when creating a new NXX label is 201, the first valid NPA. If a different NPA is desired, select it from the NPA drop-down list and then click the Change button, as shown below.

All current selections will be discarded, and the valid NXXs for the newly selected NPA will be displayed.

Six Digit

Below is a screenshot of the Six Digit label editor:

This label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features. NXXs are grouped by their NPA.

Six Digit labels contain values for one or more NPAs. Each individual value is composed of a 3 digit NPA and a 3 digit NXX. The Six Digit label editor shows NXXs, grouped by their NPA, sorted in NPA numeric order. If one or more NXXs for some NPA are selected, all NXXs for that NPA are shown, followed by the next NPA with one or more NXXs selected.

Only NPAs that have one or more NXXs seleted are shown in the main work area. When creating a new Six Digit label, the label editor starts out with no values in it.

To add an NPA and its NXXs, select the NPA from the NPA drop-down list and then click the Add button, as shown below.

All NXXs for that NPA will be added, grouped by the NPA. When adding additional NPAs, the dialog will automatically scroll so that the newly added NPA is shown at the top of the dialog.

After multiple NPAs have been added to a Six Digit label, it can be cumbersome to find particular NPA/NXX pairs to select. Using the find field and its associated Find, Select, and Unselect buttons will make it easier to find, select and unselect specific six digit values. When any of these buttons are clicked, the dialog will automatically scroll so that the numerically first value in the find field scrolls into view. If multiple different NPAs are specified in the find field, clicking the Find button will scroll to the numerically first value, whereas clicking the Select or Unselect buttons will scroll to the numerically last value. The reason for the difference is that the select and unselect buttons are performing work on the values, whereas the find button is just searching. Scrolling to the numerically last value for a select or unselect action indicates that the other values were also selected or unselected.


Below is a screenshot of the State label editor

With the exception of grouping of label values, this label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features.

Ten Digit

Below is a screenshot of the Ten Digit label editor:

With the exception of grouping of label values, this label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features.

Unlike the other label editors, the Ten Digit label editor starts out with no values in it. To add a number, type the ten digits in the find field and click the Find or Select button. A confirmation window will appear, as shown below.

Click the OK button and the number will be added as a new value. If Find was clicked, the newly added values will be highlighted. If Select was clicked, the newly added values will be shown in green.

To remove a number from the label, unselect the number. It will turn gray, and will not be saved with the label when Save is clicked.


Below is a screenshot of the Telephone label editor:

With the exception of grouping of label values, this label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features.

Unlike the other label editors, but similar to the Ten Digit label editor, the Telephone label editor starts out with no values in it. To add a toll-free number, type the ten digits in the find field and click the Find or Select button. A confirmation window will appear, as shown below.

Click the OK button and the number will be added as a new value. If Find was clicked, the newly added values will be highlighted. If Select was clicked, the newly added values will be shown in green.

To remove a number from the label, unselect the number. It will turn gray, and will not be saved with the label when Save is clicked.

A single toll free or POTS number may be added to a Telephone label.


Below is a screenshot of the Time label editor:

This label editor contains all features discussed above in the section Label Editor Common Features. 15 minute interval time values are grouped by their hour and meridiem (A/P).

To avoid confusion regarding 12am and 12pm, the group titles for these two hours are shown as 12M (midnight) ans 12P (noon).
Node Types

The table below describe each node type, its valid values, and the valid branch values:

Node Type Valid Node Values Valid Branch Values
Allocator N/A Number from 1-99
Announcement OBA or VCA N/A
AreaCode N/A Three area codes, a label name, or OTHER
Carrier N/A CIC or ACNA-CIC
Date Time Zone Indicator Specific Date (mm/yy), a label name, or OTHER
Day Time Zone Indicator Su, M, Tu, We, Th, F, Sa or OTHER
LATA N/A Specific LATA, a label name, or OTHER
NXX N/A Specific NXX, a label name, or OTHER
Six Digit N/A Specific NPANXX, a label name, or OTHER
State N/A Specific state abbreviation, a label name, or OTHER
Switch N/A ON, OFF
Telephone Toll free or POTS # N/A
Ten Digit N/A Specific 10 digit number, a label name, or OTHER
Time Time Zone Indicator Specific time range (e.g., 11:00A-01:00P), a label name, or OTHER
EditPlan's colors and fonts are highly customizable. To access the Preferences Dialog, go to the Edit menu on the Menubar and click the Preferences button. The Preferences dialog will appear as shown below.
Customizations are split between the CPR drawing (nodes and branches) and the rest of the GUI (menus, buttons and other objects). The top half of the dialog defines the CPR drawing, while the bottom half defines the GUI, with a line splitting the 2 portions.

Changes may be applied in 2 different ways.

It is strongly recommended that you test your changes using the Apply button. If the appearance is to your liking, you may then save your changes using the Save button.

Before you've clicked the Apply or Save button you may throw away all changes by doing one of the following.

Both the font family and size may be modified. Be cautious about making your font too small or too large, or the screen may become difficult to read.
Unless there is a specific need, it is strongly recommended that you don't change the CPR Font Family, as this affects the layout of the CPR within the editor because the line and box sizes are relative to the size of the font. Fixed width fonts should be used or boxes and lines become very wide.
Customization by Area
Section Customization
CPR The colors for the CPR section affect the lines, boxes, node/branch text, node/branch error text, and dialog background. The checkboxes are related to the Graphical and Balanced buttons available from the View menu on the menubar. As discussed above, you can also change the font and size. Be cautious when changing the font!
Menubar The colors for the Menu affect both the menubar and the context-sensitive menu available by clicking right on a node or branch.
Toolbar For the toolbar, you can change the background color and you can increase or decrease the size of the icons. Since the icons are square, only a single size value is needed to be specified.
Validation Feedback The Validation Feedback area is the box below the Toolbar. Background and foreground colors may be modified, as well as the font and size.