8MS User Guide
SMS Template Info

This function allows you to view information about SMS Templates. For more information on SMS Templates, see the overview in the SMS Template Administration section as well as the SMS Templates tutorial in the Managing SMS Templates section.

In the menu frame, select the Template Info link located in the SMS Templates section of the menu. The following will appear on the screen:

The top area of SMS Template Info appears as follows:

This screen allows SMS Template selection criteria to be specified. This criteria selects SMS Templates to be viewed (using either or ). The following describes the selection criteria:

Field Description
SMS Template A particular SMS Template can be selected from the SMS Template drop-down list. See the SMS Template Administration overview for information on SMS Template lists and the Show All button.
Number List This option will select only those SMS Templates used by the numbers in the given list.
Entity This option will select only those SMS Templates belonging to the specified Entity.
Company This option will select only those SMS Templates within the specified Company. This field will only appear for privileged companies.
Show Number Count This checkbox will report the number of toll free numbers that point at each SMS Template. This is implemented as an option because the time required to produce per-SMS Template counts is much greater.
Min/Max These two fields may be used to limit the search (e.g., find only those SMS Templates that have 1 or 2 numbers pointing at them).
Show SMS Template These radio buttons control selection of SMS Templates based on their names.
  • All Show all SMS Templates.
  • BR Show SMS Templates gained through a Resp Org change.
  • Not BR Don't show SMS Templates gained through a Resp Org change.
SMS Templates gained through a Resp Org change have a name in which the 4th and 5th characters are "BR".

Once the selection criteria have been set, use either the or button to retrieve the SMS Template information. Retrieve will limit the number of SMS Templates displayed per page, and allow moving between pages. Retrieve All will retrieve all appropriate SMS Templates as one large list. The report will resemble the following:

Each row of output shows the SMS Template name, the Resp Org associated with this SMS Template, and the count of toll free numbers pointing at the SMS Template (assuming Show Number Count was selected).

The drop-down below the Show Number Count controls the sorting of the retrieved SMS Template data. There are currently four options, allowing sorting by name or number count, either ascending or descending.

Since it is sometimes necessary to see what toll free numbers are affected, you may create a number list to view in Search Local # or Search Local Rec. If you would like to create a number list, select the button. The standard number list creation popup will appear. Create the number list as you would normally. See Number List Popup for more information.

The Search Local SMS Templates screen can be used to find more information about a particular SMS Template.

Data List Links

The links and text field shown at the top of this result list are common features of all Search screens. Details on these links is discussed in the Data Lists section of the user guide.


Depending on your user permissions and preferences, you may notice that certain fields are highlighted in various ways. A highlighted field that is a normal hyperlink is a Shortcut to a particular function for this data item. A highlighted field with an unusual appearance is a menu containing a set of Shortcuts related to this data item. See Shortcuts for details.

Deleting SMS Templates

If the delete button is used instead of a retrieve button, then a request to delete SMS Templates is made. The SMS Templates to be deleted are those that are specified by the selection criteria in the top section (i.e. those that would otherwise be retrieved).

A request to delete one or more SMS Templates will result in a confirmation window:

An SMS Template which has Active or Sending records pointing at that Template may not be deleted. If a user attempts to delete an SMS Template meeting this condition the following message will appear.

The Search Local Templates screen can be used to find the records pointing to a particular SMS Template.

There are preferences that may be set to change the behavior of this screen. Refer to Customizing 8MS for how to set User and Company Preferences and see SMS Template Info Preferences for details on customizing this screen.