8MS User Guide
Managing SMS Templates

This document is intended as an aid to introducing SMS Templates, how to create, modify and manage them and how reference them in toll-free numbers.

SMS Template Definition

Before SMS Templates were added to SMS/800, routing was bound to a particular toll-free number. If a number needed to be re-routed, it was necessary to create a new, Pending CAD record. If multiple numbers used the same routing logic and they all needed to be updated then it was necessary to update all the numbers. In 8MS this was not an issue because 8MS allows batches of numbers, so the update was done in a single action. However, this still took time, because 8MS would send record updates for each number, one at a time. If the CPR (routing plan) was large, the records would be throttled so only a few dozen (more or less) would be sent to SMS/800 to avoid exceeding CPU % usage.

SMS Templates provide a way to define routing logic that is independent of the toll-free number record. After creating an SMS Template, one or more toll-free numbers may be pointed at this SMS Template. If the numbers pointing at this SMS Template need to be re-routed, it is only necessary to update the SMS Template routing; no changes need to be performed on the numbers. Note that an SMS Template is not a panacea and has some limitations. For example, if some of the numbers pointing at the SMS Template are to be re-routed but other numbers are not, it is necessary to re-route those individual numbers.

The fields contained in an SMS Template are a subset of the fields in a toll-free number CAD record. One set of fields defines the routing while another set defines administrative data. Specifically, an SMS Template is composed of the routing fields InterLATA Carrier, IntraLATA Carriers, Complex Record and Number of Lines plus the Service Area. An SMS Template also contains the administrative fields Notes, Contact Name, Contact Phone, Resp Org, and Description (a new field for providing notes on the SMS Template itself). SMS Templates are scheduled the same as CAD records and have most of the status values of CAD records (e.g. Active, Sending, Pending, Old). On SMS/800 an SMS Template record is known as a TAD record.

An SMS Template is referenced by a number using a new form of a CAD record called a PAD (or Pointer) record. In SMS/800 terminology, a toll-free number points at an SMS Template through a PAD record. A PAD record is a subset of the fields in a CAD record (specifically the administrative fields) plus the name of an SMS Template. PAD records are scheduled the same as CAD records and have all the status values of CAD records (e.g. Active, Sending, Pending, Old, Hold, Must Check).

Creating SMS Templates

SMS Templates are created on the SMS Template Management screen. This screen has a behavior very similar to the Record Management: SMS CAD (formerly the CAD Management) screen. Data may be populated by selecting a source record of an 8MS Routing Set, CAD record, or an SMS Template record. Once the data is populated, the SMS Template record is sent to SMS/800. This is done by populating the SMS Template name and activation date/time, located in the upper right side of the screen (in the Schedule column), and then selecting the Send button. Again, this behavior is just like the Record Management: SMS CAD screen.

An SMS Template name has restrictions. The name must be 4-15 characters long, the first character must be a '*', the second and third characters must be your company's SMS/800 Entity code (the first two characters of the RespOrg) and all other characters must be alphanumeric or dashes.
Pointing Numbers at an SMS Template

Toll-free number PAD records are created on the Record Management: SMS PAD screen. This is a tab on the Record Management screen, located to the right of the Record Management: SMS CAD tab. This screen also has a behavior very similar to the Record Management: SMS CAD screen. Data may be populated by selecting a source record of an 8MS Routing Set or a CAD record. Once the data is populated and an SMS Template is selected, the PAD record is sent to SMS/800. This is done by populating the toll-free number and activation date/time, located in the upper right side of the screen (in the Schedule column), and then selecting the Send button just as is done on the Record Management: SMS CAD screen. Since PAD records are toll-free number records, the Send Batch feature is also available, so multiple numbers may be pointed at an SMS Template in a single action.

A toll-free number may not point at an SMS Template until the SMS Template is in the Active status. If a PAD record is sent to SMS/800 and that record points at an SMS Template which is in any status other than Active, the PAD record will be rejected.
SMS Templates as an 8MS Data Source

SMS Templates are similar in concept to 8MS Routing Sets. SMS Templates may be used in the following ways in 8MS:

Managing SMS Templates

SMS/800 is the database-of-record for SMS Templates, just as it is for toll-free numbers. 8MS normally keeps all data (both numbers and SMS Templates) in sync with SMS/800 via unsolicited messages (see the questions What is local data on 8MS? and What are unsolicited messages? in the 8MS FAQ for details on unsolicited messages). However, the user always has the option of deleting SMS Templates from the local 8MS database (without affecting the data on SMS/800) using the Delete Local SMS Template screen or retrieving SMS Templates from SMS/800 Retrieve SMS Template screen.

Since SMS Template data is stored on the local 8MS database, SMS Templates may be searched. As mentioned above, both Search Local Numbers and Search Local Records allow an SMS Template to be used as part of the filtering on numbers and records. In addition, there is a new Search Local SMS Templates screen that behaves much like the Search Local Records screen except that is allows you to view information about SMS Template records rather than toll-free number records.

Using SMS Templates - A Work Flow

While all this discussion on what an SMS Template is and how it's used is interesting, a few simple examples of how to work day-to-day with SMS Templates should make it much clearer.

  1. Converting an existing CAD record to an SMS Template

    1. Go to the SMS Template Management screen. Select the 8MS Routing Set or enter the toll-free number (and date/time if using any record other than the Active record) to be used as the source. The screen will be populated with the data from the specified source. Enter the Resp Org that will be the "owner" of the SMS Template. Enter a new SMS Template name and date/time ("now" is acceptable) and select the Send button. If the CPR and Service Area combination are valid then the SMS Template should go to the Active state.
    2. Go to the Record Management: SMS PAD (PAD, not CAD) screen. Select one number to point at this new SMS Template.
      It is suggested that a single number be pointed at an SMS Template when doing the first few conversions.
      (Remember that the SMS Template must be Active for the PAD to pass validation.) Populate any missing data and select the SMS Template name from the SMS Template drop-down list. Select the Send button (setting the date/time if necessary). The record should go to the Active state.
    3. Now additional numbers from this 8MS Routing Set may be pointed at the new SMS Template. Go to the Copy Record screen. Select the toll-free number used in the previous step to be the source record.
      A source record of a PAD record or an SMS Template will create PAD records for each number. A source record of a CAD record or an 8MS Routing Set will create CAD records for each number.
      Select your 8MS Routing Set as your destination. All numbers that are currently in this 8MS Routing Set will be pointed at the SMS Template pointed at in this PAD record. Set the date/time as appropriate and select the Send button. When the batch completes, your 8MS Routing Set should be empty and all numbers will be pointing at the SMS Template.

  2. Converting an SMS Template to a CAD Record and 8MS Routing Set

    1. Go to the Record Management: SMS CAD screen. Enter a toll-free number and date/time of the PAD record or select the SMS Template and date/time of the SMS Template record to be used as the source. The screen will be populated with the data from the specified source. Note that the Record Management: SMS CAD screen is only populated with data that is available from it's source. If an SMS Template is selected, many of the CAD fields will be blank. Enter the toll-free number and date/time and select the Send button. If the data is valid then the record should go to the Active state. Shortly after that the 8MS Routing Set will be created if it didn't already exist.
    2. Now additional numbers pointing at this SMS Template may have new CAD records created. Go to the Copy Record screen. Select the toll-free number used in the previous step or the 8MS Routing Set to be the source record. Specify your destionation list of numbers. If all numbers currently pointing at this SMS Template are to be set up with CAD records then select the SMS Template as the destination. Set the date/time as appropriate and select the Send button. When the batch completes, all your numbers should be in the 8MS Routing Set created (or referenced) in the previous step.
    3. If the SMS Template is no longer needed, it may be disconnected. Go to the Disconnect SMS Template screen. Enter the date/time when the SMS Template should be disconnected and select the Send button.

As with other data in 8MS, SMS Templates can be used in powerful ways. It is difficult to document all the possible options. If you have questions about the best way to work with your numbers and records, the 8MS support team is always available to help you. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or need more information about SMS Templates.