8MS User Guide |
Record Management: AT&T Profile |
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With the introduction of the new Carrier Express AT&T interface in release 27.0, the AT&T Profile was introduced. A profile defines a set of common values used to activate, modify or disconnect Toll-Free Numbers. This speeds up provisioning of Toll-Free Numbers in AT&T and reduces the chance of introducing errors.
Profile values are determined by the customer, in conjunction with AT&T. However, profiles are only created by AT&T or 8MS support; they cannot be created by 8MS users. Once created, new profiles will appear in Profile drop-down lists on the Record Management: AT&T and Disconnect: AT&T screens.
Field | Description |
Profile Name | The profile name provides a unique identifier for a profile. |
Account Type | The account type is determined by AT&T when creating the profile. |
Enterprise ID | The Ericcson Account Number for a Toll-Free Number. |
MCN | The AT&T Master Customer Number for a Toll-Free Number. |
LSO | The Local Serving Office for a Toll-Free Number. |
APN | The Action Point Number for a Toll-Free Number. |
RAO | The Revenue Accounting Office for a Toll-Free Number. |
Routing Number | The routing number for a Toll-Free Number. |
Group Size | The group size for a Toll-Free Number. |
FQDN | The fully-qualified domain name for a Toll-Free Number. |
Distribution Group |
The distribution group for a Toll-Free Number.
Only one of FQDN and Distribution Group
may be populated.
Billing Type |
The billing type is related to the RAO. Options include
TF Service Type |
The toll-free service type for a Toll-Free Number. Options include
Payphone Blocking | Indicates whether payphone calls are blocked to a Toll-Free Number. |
Edge | Indicates whether a Toll-Free Number is part of the Ericsson Edge System. |
Intelligent IVR | Indicates whether a Toll-Free Number subscribes to the Intelligent IVR service. |
Hybrid | This should only be set for custom orders at AT&T's direction. |
Call Recording | Indicates whether a Toll-Free Number subscribes to the Call Recording service. |
Caller Verify | Indicates whether a Toll-Free Number subscribes to the Caller Verification service. |
Small Business | Indicates if a Toll-Free Number is a Small Business Markets Toll-Free Offer number. |
Skyvera | A special feature offer that allows for connection to various custom cloud solutions. |