8MS User Guide
Disconnect: AT&T

This screen allows you to disconnect toll-free numbers for AT&T.

To access the AT&T tab of Disconnect, select the Disconnect link located in the Number Admin section of the menu and then select the AT&T tab. The following will appear in the workspace frame:

The table below describes the fields for this section.

Field Description
Toll Free Number The number to be disconnected. This is a required field unless a batch is being sent. The format of the number is 10 digits with or without the dashes (for example: 8005551212 or 800-555-1212).
Purchase Order # The AT&T purchase order associated with the number(s) being disconnected.
Contact Name The person to contact if AT&T has questions about this disconnect. If the ContactName User/Company Preference is set then this field will be pre-populated.
Contact Phone The phone number of the contact person. If the ContactPhone User/Company Preference is set then this field will be pre-populated.
Notes Any notes associated with this disconnect.
Order Type The type of service to be disconnected: ANC Wholesale or Basic IP.
APN The action point number used for routing this number. If a description has been provided for this APN, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
Primary Toll Free Number The toll-free number in which this number has been grouped.
Billing Account The AT&T billing account to which this number belongs. If a description has been provided for this Billing Account, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
LSO The local servicing office for this toll-free number.
RAO The Revenue Accounting Office for this toll-free number.
This field is required for Basic IP.

To disconnect a single number, populate the appropriate fields and then select the button. A message will appear in the response frame indicating the status of the request.

Drop-Down List Behavior

There are four drop-down lists available on this screen. Since the data for these four lists is related, the lists are filtered based on a common behavior. See AT&T Common List Behavior for details.

Batch Disconnect

This function allows you to disconnect a list of toll free numbers. All disconnect requests will have the same set of data specified in the fields discussed above.

Select the button. The Batch Popup will appear. See Batches in the Common Features section for details on the Batch Popup.