8MS User Guide
Record Management: AT&T

This screen allows you to create a new activation record for a number to be loaded onto the AT&T network, change data on a number or move a number.

To access the AT&T tab of Record Management, select the Record Mgmt link located in the Number Admin section of the menu and then select the AT&T tab.

The screen is divided into two main areas:


The top section of the AT&T screen appears as follows:

This section is used for sending a single toll-free number or a batch of numbers to the AT&T carrier. Sending records is discussed below.

The Send File button will only be available when the Order Type is Basic IP.
Order and Contact Information

As mentioned above, the lower area of this screen is divided into two sections. The first section contains AT&T purchase order and contact information and appears as follows.

The Order and Contact Information section of this screen allows the user to enter their Order # and contact information associated with this Purchase Order #. The table below describes the fields for this section.

Field Description
Purchase Order # The AT&T purchase order associated with the number(s) being activated/re-routed.
Contact Name The person to contact if AT&T has questions about this record activation. If the ContactName User/Company Preference is set then this field will be pre-populated.
Contact Phone The phone number of the contact person. If the ContactPhone User/Company Preference is set then this field will be pre-populated.
Notes Any notes associated with this Purchase Order.
Order Type The type of service being configured: ANC Wholesale or Basic IP.
Tab Actions

Below the Order and Contact Information section are a series of tabs that define the actions that may be performed on a number in AT&T;.

For an Order Type of ANC Wholesale the tabs are .

While for an Order Type of Basic IP the tabs are .

Selecting a tab defines the action that you will perform and shows the fields that may be set for this action.

Drop-Down List Behavior

There are four drop-down lists available on this screen. Since the data for these four lists is related, the lists are filtered based on a common behavior. See AT&T Common List Behavior for details.


Use the Activate tab when activating a new number that has not yet been loaded onto the AT&T network. This tab is split into two sections. The first, as shown below, provides the fields necessary for normal provisioning.

The table below describes the fields for this tab.

Field Description
APN The action point number used for routing this number. If a description has been provided for this APN, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
Primary Toll Free Number The toll-free number in which this number has been grouped.
Billing Account The AT&T billing account to which this number belongs. If a description has been provided for this Billing Account, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
LSO The Local Serving Office for this toll-free number.
Routing Number The routing number for this toll-free number.
This field is required for Basic IP.
RAO The Revenue Accounting Office for this toll-free number.
This field is required for Basic IP and is not available for ANC Wholesale (the field is removed from the screen).
Payphone Blocking If set to Add, calling this toll-free number is blocked from payphones, otherwise calls from payphones are allowed.
Group Size The group size for this group of numbers.

The second section of the Activate tab, as shown below, provides the fields necessary for advanced feature provisioning.

To provision advanced features, enter an NCP Account. Optionally enter the Call Attempts and then select one or more advanced features to add those features for this toll-free number. Transfer Connect has additional attributes that are not required but may be selected if desired. These attributes are shown below the Transfer Connect checkbox.

When accessing the Activate tab, all advanced feature fields, with the exception of the NCP Account field, will be uneditable. This is done because advanced features may not be provisioned if an NCP Account has not been provided. To make these fields editable, enter your NCP Account and hit the TAB key.


Use the Change tab when modifying information on a number that has already been loaded onto the AT&T network. This tab is split into two sections. The first, as shown below, provides the fields necessary for normal provisioning.

The table below describes the fields for this tab.

Field Description
APN The Action Point Number used for routing this number. If a description has been provided for this APN, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
Primary Toll Free Number The toll-free number in which this number has been grouped.
Billing Account The AT&T billing account to which this number belongs. If a description has been provided for this Billing Account, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
LSO The Local Serving Office for this toll-free number.
Routing Number The routing number for this toll-free number.
This field is not available for ANC Wholesale (the field is removed from the screen).
RAO The Revenue Accounting Office for this toll-free number.
This field is required for Basic IP and is not available for ANC Wholesale (the field is removed from the screen).
Payphone Blocking If set to Add, calling this toll-free number is blocked from payphones. If set to Remove, calling this number is allowed from payphones. If left blank, whatever value was previously set on this number will continue to be used.
Group Size The group size for this group of numbers.
This field is not allowed for Basic IP (the field is removed from the screen).

The second section of the Change tab, as shown below, provides the fields necessary for advanced feature provisioning.

To provision advanced features, enter an NCP Account. Optionally enter the Call Attempts and then select the Add or Del checkbox of one or more advanced features to add or delete those features for this toll-free number. Transfer Connect has additional attributes that are not required but may be selected if desired. These attributes are shown below the Transfer Connect checkbox.

When accessing the Change tab, all advanced feature fields, with the exception of the NCP Account field, will be uneditable. This is done because advanced features may not be provisioned if an NCP Account has not been provided. To make these fields editable, enter your NCP Account and hit the TAB key.

Use the Move tab to move a number from one AT&T account to another.

The Move tab is not available when Order Type is Basic IP.

The table below describes the fields for this tab.

Field Description
APN The Action Point Number used for routing this number. If a description has been provided for this APN, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
Primary Toll Free Number The toll-free number in which this number has been grouped.
Billing Account The AT&T billing account to which this number belongs. If a description has been provided for this Billing Account, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
LSO The Local Serving Office for this toll-free number.
Routing Number The routing number for this toll-free number.

Use the Migrate tab to migrate a number from ANC Wholesale to Basic IP.

The Migrate tab is not available when Order Type is ANC Wholesale.

The table below describes the fields for this tab.

Field Description
APN The Action Point Number used for routing this number. If a description has been provided for this APN, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
Primary Toll Free Number The toll-free number in which this number has been grouped.
Billing Account The AT&T billing account to which this number belongs. If a description has been provided for this Billing Account, the description will be shown below the drop-down list when an item is selected.
LSO The Local Serving Office for this toll-free number.
Routing Number The routing number for this toll-free number.
RAO The Revenue Accounting Office for this toll-free number.
Payphone Blocking If set to Add, calling this toll-free number is blocked from payphones. If set to Remove, calling this number is allowed from payphones. If left blank, whatever value was previously set on this number will continue to be used.
Group Size The group size for this group of numbers.
Sending an Activate/Change

Once the desired information has been specified, the target toll-free number is entered. This is done by entering your number in the Toll Free Number field at the top of the screen.

Select the button in the non-scrollable area at the top of the screen. A message will appear in the response frame (the bottom area of the screen) indicating the status of the request.

Batch Change

This function allows you to activate, change or move multiple numbers on the AT&T network.

Fill in the appropriate fields as discussed above. However, instead of entering a toll-free number and hitting the button, leave the toll-free number field blank and click the button. The Batch Popup will appear. See Batches in the Common Features section for details on the Batch Popup.

Basic IP Batch Change

This function allows you to activate or change Basic IP numbers on the AT&T network, but with a unique routing number for each toll-free number. When sending a batch of toll-free numbers with an Order Type of Basic IP, if you use the standard batch popup, all toll-free numbers will have the same routing number. By using the Send File button in place of the Send Batch button, you have the ability to upload a file that maps each toll-free number in the batch with a unique routing number.

The process for a Basic IP Batch Change is very similar to the the Batch Change process described above, but you will first need to create a text file that contains toll-free number/routing number pairs. A newline separates each pair, and a comma separates the toll-free number from the routing number, as shown in the example below.


Once the file has been created, continue the batch provisioning flow. Fill in the appropriate fields on the screen. When done, rather than selecting the button, instead select the button. A variation on the Batch Popup will appear which will have an additional Browse button and a Numbers text area which allows a set of toll-free number/routing number pairs to be entered, as shown below.

You can either select the Browse button and choose a file you had previously created or you can type/paste a set of pairs into the Numbers text area. When the batch is sent, the set of toll-free number/routing number pairs you specified will be sent with the request.

See Batches in the Common Features section for additional common details on this Batch Popup variation.

Number History

The Toll Free Number field under both the Select and Schedule sections of the top frame can provide a history of the number entered into the field. Clicking on the . image to the right of the field will produce a popup containing the change history of the selected number. For more information, see Number History.


There are preferences that may be set to change the behavior of this screen. Refer to Customizing 8MS for how to set User and Company Preferences and see Record Management Preferences for details on customizing this screen.